Lirik Roxette - So Far Away

Lirik Lagu Roxette So Far Away

Lirik "So Far Away" dari Roxette ini dipublikasikan pada tanggal 31 Juli 2022 (3 tahun yang lalu) dan diciptakan oleh Hans Erik Huss, Per Hakan Gessle.

Lagu ini ada di dalam album Pearls of Passion yang didistribusikan oleh label EMI.

Berikut cuplikan syair nyanyian / teks dari lagunya: "In the coldest time of year, Darkness all around my heart. I was alone but didn’t fear To wander in the light of stars. In the bright and silent night, Winds would knock and disappear. Still I felt the feeling near, Like the first time you were ever here. You’re so far away, So far".

Single lainnya dari Roxette di antaranya Sleeping In My Car, Milk And Toast And Honey, Why Don’t You Bring Me Flowers?, Some Other Summer, dan From A Distance.


Lirik Lagu So Far Away

In the coldest time of year,
Darkness all around my heart.
I was alone but didn’t fear
To wander in the light of stars.
In the bright and silent night,
Winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the feeling near,
Like the first time you were ever here.
You’re so far away,
So far away,
You left me,
You told me you would stay.
You never said goodbye
And I’ll keep asking why,
I keep on asking how,
Oh come unto me now.
I have breathed the morning air,
I have heard the four winds blow.
I was weary but prepared to follow
Down this lonely road.
In the room where lovers sleep,
Winds would knock and disappear.
Still I felt the music near,
Like the first time we were ever here.
You’re so far away,
So far away,
You left me,
You told me you would stay.
You never said goodbye
And I keep wondering why,
I keep on wondering how,
Oh come inside me now.


Video Klip

Oke, berikut ini adalah video klip dari lagu "So Far Away" yang dinyanyikan oleh Roxette. Video ini berasal dari Youtube dimana hak cipta adalah milik Youtube dan/atau pemilik video yang bersangkutan. Selamat menikmati!



Siapakah yang menciptakan single Far Away So?

Yang menciptakan adalah Hans Erik Huss, Per Hakan Gessle.

Label / channel manakah yang merilis / mendistribusikan single Far Away So?

Yang merilis / mendistribusikan adalah EMI.


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