Lirik "Dance Tonight" dari Bunga Citra Lestari, J'Flow ini dipublikasikan pada tanggal 21 September 2018 (6 tahun yang lalu) dan diciptakan oleh Jflow For Right Now Music.
Lagu ini ada di dalam album Asian Games 2018 Official Song yang didistribusikan oleh label Aquarius Musikindo.
Berikut cuplikan syair nyanyian / teks dari lagunya: "i wanna dance tonight until forever let this be the time of our lives oh let me see the light and feel so beautiful let this be the time of our lives beauty is vain, charm is deceitful strength is my friend, cause luck is unfaithful grace is my make up, gold what i’m made".
Single lainnya dari BCL & JFlow di antaranya Dari Hati, Selamanya Cinta, 12 Tahun Terindah, Menghapus Jejakmu, dan Memilih Dia.
Lirik Lagu Dance Tonight
i wanna dance tonight until forever
let this be the time of our lives
oh let me see the light and feel so beautiful
let this be the time of our livesbeauty is vain, charm is deceitful
strength is my friend, cause luck is unfaithful
grace is my make up, gold what i’m made of
i’m reaching for the stars so you know where to find mepain is my fuel, set me on fire
you shoot me down but i’m flying higher
they’re cruel, they’re fool, they tryna break my soul
they won’t, they don’t, and ii wanna dance tonight until forever
let this be the time of our lives
oh let me see the light and feel so beautiful
let this be the time of our livesyeah she glows when she wake up
she don’t even need no single make up
that’s my woman she all caked up
ready for the world she always face up
you can’t dim the light that shine from within
she on fire alive and kicking
speaking for the world where she sits in
when she speaks history beginshe’s a home maker, record breaker
what don’t break her they just make her
watch out player, say your prayer
she know better, won’t fall never
she dance like noone else’s business
she def from every man’s wishlist
she the illest, most def the reallest
turn the lights on, we about to witnessi wanna dance tonight until forever
let this be the time of our lives
oh let me see the light and feel so beautiful
let this be the time of our livesand now she’s coming for you, you better ready for
this inner force that i too never seen before
i’ve seen the rainy days, i’ve got my dancing shoes
i don’t know about you buti wanna dance tonight until forever
let this be the time of our lives
oh let me see the light and feel so beautiful
let this be the time of our lives (of our lives)let me see the light
let me see the lightyes i am beautiful
Video Klip
Oke, berikut ini adalah video klip dari lagu "Dance Tonight" yang dinyanyikan oleh BCL & JFlow. Video ini berasal dari Youtube dimana hak cipta adalah milik Youtube dan/atau pemilik video yang bersangkutan. Selamat menikmati!
Siapakah yang menciptakan single Tonight Dance?
Yang menciptakan adalah Jflow For Right Now Music.
Label / channel manakah yang merilis / mendistribusikan single Tonight Dance?
Yang merilis / mendistribusikan adalah Aquarius Musikindo.
OK Google, sekedar pemberitahuan, kami tidak menyediakan download MP3 dari lagu di atas. Untuk konten lain di situs ini yang masih berhubungan, berikut daftar tema-tema yang berkaitan: Bunga Citra Lestari – Aku Dan Hilangnya Kekasih, Bunga Citra Lestari – Harta Berharga,